The Top 7 Tips For Creating The Perfect Digital Display T-Shirt

T-shirts are widely found in almost every closet around the globe. They are one of the commonest forms of self-expression but have you ever wondered what works for the perfect design? What forms the perfect element that will make people flaunt your design over and over again?

If you didn’t already know, some of the best-worn designs are pretty simple. Besides the overall design, there are quite a few things which should be done to prevent mistakes. Our article features the top 7 tips for creating the perfect digital display t-shirt.


One of the main things that set you aside with your finished piece is your sizing. If you’re working on your next piece, you’d better ensure that the size of your logo fits the design as well as the properties of your material to be printed. This is going to represent you, so you should give it some extra thought before you put something out. You will only get one chance with sizing when it comes to digital displays.The overall design shape has a lot to do with the printed version and in some instances, they look much bigger than they should. You can easily print your designs on paper and compare them with your t-shirt in order to get an idea of they’ll look. Additionally, the size of your garments should suit the size of your print. So, if you’re printing smaller pieces, you can reduce your design size.


Where you place your design is also another important factor. Your designs should always be visually centred as opposed to an automatic setting based on its width. Simply put, your design can be a hot seller but with incorrect placement, you’ll be turning heads for all the wrong reasons. Another interesting yet common mistake that happens quite often is the notorious belly print, so always be aware of your design placement.

Typography And Fonts 

The most basic aspect of written words is their typography. Most times it isn’t even about the text but rather the typography degree. So, be sure to get creative while you’re thinking up a storm on how to get your text to interact with your graphical elements.

If you’ve never thought about it, your font does impact the way that your design is interpreted by others. Fonts can even stir emotions and ideas and add greatly to those who wear them.


The idea of composition should take you a long way back to your high school art days. Designs are filled with various elements that are arranged in an order to ensure that they relate to one another. In essence, this is what makes up the composition of your design. So, be sure to make use of your online resources to learn more about the composition rules of design and elemental placement.

Image Quality 

In order to get a clean crisp printed design, be sure to submit high-quality art files. Most of the time, designs are submitted in a low resolution which makes it hard to produce quality details. So, when you’re submitting art files to a company, be sure to have images that are at least 200 dpi or higher. Anything less will produce a poorly printed product.

Another alternative to this issue is getting your designs in a vector file. When you present vector files, they are easier to work with since they can be sized accordingly and they are widely loved by all. Additionally, you should also avoid presenting photographs of other photographs since issues around graininess, cropping and blurriness can occur. So, if you’re ever submitting photographs, don’t forget to scan them so that you can get the best resolution possible.


Another major factor is the colours that you select. The decision of the perfect colour is important and not specifically for the purpose of the design but for printing. Essentially, when you’ve got more colour in your design, you’re going to have to pay more.

So, before you get too excited about your design, carefully select your colours as soon as you start the process. Additionally, colours can have various effects on people. So don’t forget to do some research before you select the perfect blend.


Contrast falls into the colour aspect as well. However, it is extremely important and should be considered on its own. Colour is the difference between lighter and darker parts of an image. They are the reason for how colours match and go together. If you’re going for a strong contrast, black and white is always a hit whereas bright colours on a dark background create pretty high contrast.

As we conclude, we have just given you the top 7 tips to make your digital t-shirts a success. So, it’s best to thoroughly think about all of your design elements and select those that perfectly represent your design. Additionally, before you hire a printing company it’s best to look out for reviews and testimonials.

Digital marketing online with SEO 

It is essential to have an online marketing digital strategy so your products have visibility on search engines. This is the quickest and best way to sell tour products online. We suggest hiring a reputable SEO company  to get the visibility you need. on Google. More clicks lead to more sales!